Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Easy Weight Loss For Women - Diet And Exercise Tips

Most women cringe at the thought of starting another diet but weight loss for women does not have to be an unpleasant experience. Women can lose weight without having to starve themselves, give up their favorite foods or participate in grueling workout routines. In order to lose weight a person must burn off a greater amount of calories than they consume. Counting calories is an effective way to lose weight but the process takes the joy out of eating. Eating smaller, healthier meals and exercising for at least thirty minutes each day will help women lose weight slowly. Women who lose weight slowly by permanently changing their eating and exercise habits are much more likely to maintain their weight loss than those who lose weight on fad diets.

Enjoy Fruits and Vegetables

Rather than focusing on all of the different foods that they should not eat, women who want to lose weight should add a variety of healthy foods into their existing diet. Women who eat the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables each day are less likely to binge on high calorie junk foods. People who stay hydrated have an easier time losing weight so women should drink eight glasses of water each day and avoid caffeinated beverages and alcohol.

Make Exercise Fun

Women do not have to join a gym to stay fit. They can lose weight by walking the dog or going on a nature hike. Exercise should be an enjoyable event so women should find a few activities that they are passionate about doing. Women can lose weight by participating in fun activities such as rock climbing, water aerobics, skiing or dance classes.

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