Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Kegel Exercises For Pregnant Women

Kegel exercises for pregnant women are one of the best a exercises a pregnant woman can do. They are also very simple and can be done anywhere. These types of exercises are good for female health, whether you are pregnant or not. During pregnancy they are especially helpful in strengthening and supporting the organs and muscles in the pelvis. Kegel exercises can also help a pregnant mother prepare for labor by helping her to control her muscles.

When performing Kegel exercises use the muscles and control that are used in trying to stop the flow of urine or attempting not to pas gas. Doing this contracts the muscles of the pelvic floor. Kegel exercises are just that. It is important when performing Kegel exercises that no other muscles, such as leg muscles, abdominal muscles, or buttock muscles are moved. This is an isolated exercise. If a woman is performing Kegel exercises correctly, no one should even be able to tell.

It is recommended that Kegel exercises be done five times per day. Each time they are performed, ten of them should be done. The muscle contraction should be held for five seconds, relaxed and then repeated. Some women do them each time they are stopped at a stoplight in traffic to help remind them to do them.
Kegel exercises are even recommended after delivery because they help promote healing and strengthening the pelvic floor muscles and help in regaining bladder control. Most women are encouraged to do Kegel exercises during the post partum period. Many are even taught how upon discharge after delivery or during a prenatal class.

Women who have questions about how to perform Kegel exercises, or are unsure if they are right for their particular condition, should check with their healthcare provider.

Keys To A Womans Health

There has been an increase in interest about health topics such as exercise and nutrition. Many people are eager to get in shape and avoid the health issues that result from obesity and inactivity. However, not everyone can take the same path to physical fitness. Weight loss can have a positive effect on a womans health as long as she properly manages the two techniques involved in lowering her weight.

• Exercise

The nature of your exercises will depend on your goals. If you are primarily interested in losing weight, then aerobic workouts will be your best choice. These routines involve rapid movements that get your heart pumping and make you sweat off the pounds. Strength training is also a good route to physical fitness, but you will probably not lose weight as a result since you will create so much muscle mass in response to the exercises. Either class of exercise, or both, will help you improve your overall health.

• Diet

The kind and quantity of food that you eat also plays an important role in maintaining physical fitness. While an exact menu is up to you, every woman should make sure that she eats enough protein, carbohydrates, fats and fiber to provide energy, supports muscles and organ function and aid digestion.
By paying attention to these two activities, a womans health can improve significantly. Whether your goal is simply weight loss or overall fitness, food and activity remain crucial aspects of any plan. You will also find that your energy levels improve when you take care of yourself this way.

Exercise For Pregnant Women

Pregnancy comes with many questions about women’s health. It is an exciting, yet sometimes scary time. One of the most common pregnancy questions is about exercise.

Exercise during pregnancy has a lot to do with a mother’s fitness level prior to the pregnancy. If the mother did little or no exercise routine prior to becoming pregnant, now is not the time to start running miles every day. However, if the mother did live a very active lifestyle prior to conceiving, it is possible for her to stick to at least some of her routine. All pregnancy questions, including exercise questions should be discussed with a woman’s own healthcare provider. However, here are a few of the best types of exercise for pregnant women:

• Physicians and fitness experts alike encourage swimming as the best and safest type of exercise for pregnant women. Many women enjoy swimming while pregnant as it makes them feel weightless and can lessen some pregnancy discomforts.

• Classes, such as low impact aerobics, designed for pregnant women can be very beneficial. In these classes women have the support of other pregnant women and can feel safe knowing that whatever exercise moves are done in the class they are safe during pregnancy.

• Yoga can be beneficial during pregnancy due to its low impact on joints and ability to help maintain muscle tone. There are many pregnancy yoga classes available in most communities.

These are just a sampling of exercises that can be beneficial and safe during pregnancy. There are many different types of exercise during pregnancy that can help a pregnant mother feel physically better and prepare her body for labor and delivery.

The Most Important Women Health Issues

Women health issues have become a hot topic in recent years as concerns about weight gain among the general populace have increased. Modern life and diets have led to greater problems with specific issues for women. These issues concern both physical and mental health. The following four items are at the top of any list of concerns about women’s health.

• Heart Disease

This is the leading cause of death in both men and women. There are numerous factors in a woman’s life that can increase or decrease her chance of developing heart disease. Age cannot be avoided, but factors such as diet, exercise, and cigarette smoking can be controlled.

• Osteoporosis

This is a particularly disturbing possibility for women as they age. After menopause, women tend to suffer bone loss. This can lead to an extremely frail bone structure in old age and cause broken bones. Women can control the likelihood of this development by maintaining high calcium intake, even while still young, and also with estrogen supplements after menopause.

• Breast Cancer

This is the most common cancer among women. Many of the factors that contribute to its occurrence are genetic and unavoidable. A woman can control her risks by getting frequent tests. Avoiding obesity and high alcohol consumption can also help.

• Depression

Mental health is an equally important health topic. More than 12 million American women suffer from depression-related symptoms every year. Women can combat depression by maintaining strong family and community bonds. These bonds can be established and strengthened during exercise routines that battle other health issues.

Weight Loss Diets For Women: Points To Consider

Since women are among some of the largest consumers of health, beauty and clothing products, it should come as no surprise that weight loss diets for women are also rank fairly high on the list of these purchases. There are several organizations, companies and other vendors that make a decent profit selling these types of items. However, there are several things that should be considered before investing time or money on these things.

Health and Appearance

While appearance may play a significant role in the dieting decision, health should always be the number one priority. Many of these programs are very diverse and are not always the healthiest solution. Therefore, the consumer should ensure that they are selecting something that provides for adequate nutrients and calories in order to maintain or even gain optimal health.

Permanent Lifestyle Changes

Fad dieting simply does not work, statistics have proven this. When seeking out an eating plan, it should be one that can be maintained. This means that the person may want to avoid anything that seems to restrictive or hard to follow. For example, it may be better to choose a plan that focuses on portion control rather than one that prohibits specific foods or food groups.

Individual Preferences

There are more than a few options available when it comes to weight loss diets for women. This is why it is important to not only think of the above mentioned points, but individual preferences as well. What may work for one individual may not always be the best option for another.

Things To Remember When Looking For An Exercise Routine For Women

Finding the right exercise routine for women is a matter of choice. Each woman will have different goals in mind when she sets out on an exercise regimen. Some women are primarily interested in weight loss while others have overall fitness in mind. Still others might want to prepare for athletic events in the future. However you intend to exercise, you should be aware of three important classes of workout.

• Cardio

Cardio workouts are aerobic exercises. Their function is to get the heart pumping as fast as possible. This is important for the heart because it has to function more or less perfectly every second of your life. Aerobic exercises are good at helping you lower your weight while improving your overall fitness. They also ensure a healthy heart as your body ages.

• Strength Training

Recent studies suggest that exercises which focus on building strength, such as weightlifting, are actually much more effective at improving overall health than was previously thought. These exercises primarily build muscles in the legs and arms. Core strength exercises try to support muscles in your torso. While these exercises support overall health, they will not technically lower your weight because you will replace fatty tissue with muscle mass.

• Mobility Routines

It is important to support your joints when you start on any exercise regimen. Part of every workout, whether it is aerobic or strength-oriented, should begin and end with stretching and joint support. This will prevent injury both during and after any exercise routine for women.

Easy Weight Loss For Women - Diet And Exercise Tips

Most women cringe at the thought of starting another diet but weight loss for women does not have to be an unpleasant experience. Women can lose weight without having to starve themselves, give up their favorite foods or participate in grueling workout routines. In order to lose weight a person must burn off a greater amount of calories than they consume. Counting calories is an effective way to lose weight but the process takes the joy out of eating. Eating smaller, healthier meals and exercising for at least thirty minutes each day will help women lose weight slowly. Women who lose weight slowly by permanently changing their eating and exercise habits are much more likely to maintain their weight loss than those who lose weight on fad diets.

Enjoy Fruits and Vegetables

Rather than focusing on all of the different foods that they should not eat, women who want to lose weight should add a variety of healthy foods into their existing diet. Women who eat the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables each day are less likely to binge on high calorie junk foods. People who stay hydrated have an easier time losing weight so women should drink eight glasses of water each day and avoid caffeinated beverages and alcohol.

Make Exercise Fun

Women do not have to join a gym to stay fit. They can lose weight by walking the dog or going on a nature hike. Exercise should be an enjoyable event so women should find a few activities that they are passionate about doing. Women can lose weight by participating in fun activities such as rock climbing, water aerobics, skiing or dance classes.

Choosing The Best Weight Loss Plans For Women

Fad diets that make big promises but deliver few results should be avoided. The best weight loss plans for women often include nutritional food, balanced eating plans, and regular exercise. Women face a changing metabolism throughout their entire lives. The way their bodies burn and process calories changes depending on age, hormone levels, and physical activity. Instead of trying to lose large quantities of weight in as little time as possible, women would be better served by a healthy lifestyle that includes good food choices and a fitness plan.

A good plan for weight loss will include healthy meals and snacks. Look for a program that will encourage eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as lean proteins and whole grains. Avoid sugars, foods that are high in fats and simple carbohydrates, and packaged or processed foods. Follow a plan that promotes healthy snacking instead of total deprivation. Remember to get enough water as well. Diet shakes and juices can be useful, but should never replace fresh water to keep women hydrated.

There are a variety of heavily advertised weight loss plans for women on the market. Women can find books, magazines, websites, and videos to try and convince them which plan is the best and most effective at helping them lose unwanted pounds. Immediate weight loss is never as healthy as long term weight management, however. Stick to a plan that advises women to eat healthy, seasonal food and exercise regularly. It is the healthiest way to ensure long term weight loss and good health.

Women's Fitness: Not Just About Losing Weight

Being physically fit is a goal that many women have. Losing weight is easily one of the top ten goals of each woman in the nation. How does one set a goal to have good womens fitness, and be on top of their overall health?

Start By Setting A Goal

First, set a goal that should be reached. Does someone want to lose ten pounds? Thirteen pounds? Do they simply want to be more fit overall?
When setting a goal, the goal should be twofold. It should be to lose weight, but it should also be to have a happier, healthier lifestyle.

Losing Weight

Losing weight does not have to be difficult. Nobody absolutely has to buy a pair of gym shoes and go hit the gym, although that is indeed a way many people lose weight. Someone can easily lose weight and become fit by walking, running, and biking. None of these activities require a gym membership.

Living an Overall Healthy Lifestyle

One key component to fitness is living a good, healthy lifestyle. Well losing weight is a good goal, it should not simply be the only goal that one has.
There are plenty of other fun and exciting things that someone can do to stay fit and healthy.

• Eat right. When losing weight, many people focus on reducing how much food they consume. Focus on not the quality of food, too.

• Drink plenty of water. Researchers say this makes you feel healthier overall.

 • Walk more often. Park the car away from the door and walk. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

These little things add up quickly.

Losing Weight With Work Out Videos For Women

There are plenty of fantastic work out videos for women on the market. Most women select exercise videos that offer fun and challenging workout routines. Aerobic dance videos are perfect for women who want to lose weight while learning Hip Hop, Ballroom and Latin dance steps. The dance routines not only help women to lose weight and tone their body they also improve coordination so women will look amazing on the dance floor.

Fat Burning Yoga

Weight loss yoga is perfect for women who enjoy a challenge. Unlike traditional yoga, which focuses on meditation, weight loss yoga teaches traditional yoga poses while increasing muscle and burning fat. Women should select a yoga exercise video for beginners before trying more advanced yoga poses.

Lengthen Muscles with Pilates Workout

Pilates exercise videos are very popular and many celebrities have achieved gorgeous bodies using the Pilates method. Pilates focuses on strengthening and lengthening the muscles and improving balance and coordination. A good Pilates workout video will teach women how to develop strong core muscles, increase their flexibility and reduce stress through proper breathing techniques.

Why Beginner Videos Are the Best Choice

Although high intensity workout videos appeal to women that want to lose weight quickly it is better for women to select a beginner or intermediate exercise video. A workout routine that is too difficult to follow is discouraging and women who choose an extremely difficult workout routine are setting themselves up for failure. Once a woman masters a beginner exercise video, she can safely move on to a more challenging workout routine.

Simple Ways To Get In Shape For Women

Since women naturally have a curvy figure and a higher percentage of body fat, it is assumed by many that they are out of shape. The reality is that it is not healthy for any woman to have less than 15% body fat, but if you are higher than that figure there are easy ways to get in shape for women.

Start by deciding on a plan and future goals. Fitness is not a destination but a lifelong journey that should be applied every day. Consider what aspects of your diet can be improved and how you can push yourself to new exercise heights. Plan out what you want to look and feel like in one month, six months, and a year.
The most efficient way to cut down on calories is eliminate animals products -- meats, cheeses, and oils. Increase natural proteins like nuts and beans. Try to eat as little processed food as possible.

Start exercise simply and do not push yourself past your limits. Your optimal heart rate is 220 beats per minute, minus your age: a thirty year old woman can get her heart rate up to 190 beats per minute without issue. If your heart rate is this high for sixty minutes a day, you will lose fat rapidly.

To increase muscle mass, do fitness routines like yoga and Pilates on a regular schedule, slowly increasing the time or intensity of your workout. Do not feel guilty about missing time but do not stray too far from an established routine.

Workout Clothes For Women

With the wide variety of workout clothes for women, it can be difficult to decide what type of active wear is best for an individual budget and body. Some clothing may offer benefits that justify a higher price tag while others can be bought at much lower prices.

As a basic rule, it's important to look for polyester active wear. Polyester better absorbs sweat, meaning that it doesn't stick to the body. This can significantly increase comfort and make a workout more fun.

When purchasing women's active wear, there are a few general rules that should be followed. Certain items should be of higher quality, as they will be used more frequently and intensely. Always look for durable pants that offer support and flexibility. Low quality pants might be more likely to chafe and will be more uncomfortable during a workout. Similarly, it's important to purchase a sports bra that fits well and is composed of durable, quality materials. This is especially important during a workout, when sweat can pool and make chafing and discomfort more likely. It's also highly important to choose shoes that are made for working out. Simple tennis shoes won't cut it, as they can cause arch and general foot pain. Find a pair that provides high support and that won't wear out.

Workout clothes for women should offer great support and durability. Having clothes that fit comfortably will make it more fun to workout and will give more motivation to follow a fitness plan in the long run.

Where To Start With Abs For Women

Large numbers of women long to achieve a firm flat abdominal area, but have very little idea where to start. The subject of abs for women is different from that for men, because women’s muscles work differently, and they burn fat differently. So women need a plan for abs training which works specifically for them.

One of the first points that women in particular need to be aware of is that although exercise is important, by itself it will not result in flat abs. The abdominal muscles in women have a lot of fat on top of them, so until this fat is got rid of, the abs will not be visible however much they are exercised. Abs training has to be a balance of cardio and resistance exercise with the correct diet.

Although diet is an essential part of abs training, this does not mean one of those crash diets that makes people feel weak and miserable. This is the opposite of what is needed, as it weakens muscles instead of strengthening them. The diet required is one that avoids sugary, fatty and processed foods, and includes wholegrains, wholefoods and plenty of fruit and vegetables, combined with the right levels of protein to build the muscles.

The diet should proceed at the same time as the exercise program. For those just starting abs training, it is important to train the lower abs first – remember that the abdominal muscles stretch from the pubic bone right up to the ribs. The lower abs are weaker and less developed, so if the upper abs are trained first, the lower abs will not have the strength to perform as they should. The best resistance exercises for the lower abs are ones that use the legs, such as the reverse crunch. Along with these will go high intensity cardio, like sprinting or aerobics, to boost metabolism and burn fat.

It is important to remember that abs training should also be fun. Those who get bored with their program will not stick to it, and the body gets used to it too. The motto is, the greater the fun, the greater the fitness – and the flatter the abs.

The Benefits Of Joining A Womens Gym

There are many benefits for females to joining an all womens gym. These gyms are exclusively open to women and do not allow men to join. The reasons that women may prefer to join this style of fitness facility are many and varied. Some women are intimidated by men who are working out. They do not want to flirt or be flirted with and joining a gym that only allows women will diminish the flirtation factor. Other women simply want to be comfortable and do not want to have to think about what they are wearing or how someone might perceive them.

These types of gyms have been increasing in popularity over the past decade. Many of these gender specific fitness facilities will offer classes and workout routines that are built around improving the bodies of women. They will offer classes in aerobics and may even venture into such areas as yoga and meditation. There are gyms that are also aimed at catering to certain age groups of women such as women over 30 or women that are post menopausal.

Whatever your reasons for considering a womens gym, it is a good idea if that is where you will be most at ease working out. The important thing is that you are remaining health conscious and trying to do what is best for your body and mind. These gyms provide a safe space for women to increase their strength and enjoy themselves while they workout. Many women feel more comfortable using these facilities.

Using A Weight Calculator For Women

A great deal of research has been done into the concept of ideal weight and body mass for all types of people. While none of these systems are perfect, and none account for every individual body, using a weight calculator for women can be an excellent way to get an idea of potential weight loss goals over time. Those who have no current understanding of healthy weight can set a measurable goal based on generally accepted principles of health and wellness.

Calculators typically work by calculating the height and weight of a person to determine their body mass index (BMI). BMI is not perfect, but it is considered a good starting point for those just beginning their own fitness journeys. By targeting a healthy BMI and determining the weight range in which it would be achieved, a person can get a general idea of how much weight they would like to lose and how healthy or unhealthy they potentially already are.

Setting measurable goals is essential to any fitness plan. Setting and achieving goals aids in long-term motivation and increases self-confidence over time. These are valuable personal tools that will carry over into other aspects of life, allowing for a healthier, happier, more successful life both in and out of the gym. Selecting a goal, for some, may feel like little more than pulling a number out of a hat. By using a weight calculator, standard measurements of health and fitness can be assessed in a clear way, allowing for a reasonable goal to be set and achieved.

Weight Training Routines For Women

Most women want to get fit fast and enhance their health. One way to achieve those goals simultaneously is to start weight training. There are several weight training routines for women that will enhance one’s physique and overall health.

First you will want to have an idea of the specific goal you are trying to accomplish. Do you want to build strength and even gain healthy weight to become healthier and more fit or are you determined to drop body fat and develop a leaner body mass? Next you will want to develop a workout split. A workout split is a structured, weekly workout schedule. It will help you form a weight training routine that is practical and easy to follow. You can structure a workout split in whatever fashion you choose, but a workout split usually incorporates weight training four to five times per week.

In order to maximize your results and get the body you want you will want to develop a routine that encompasses the whole body. A sample workout split looks like this:

  • Monday and Thursday: Shoulder and abdominal workout out. Perform two sets of 15 pushups, two sets of 20 abdominal crunches, two sets of 10 side lateral shoulder raises and two sets of 20 hanging leg raises.
  • Wednesday and Saturday: Lower body workout. Perform two sets of 15 forward lunges on each leg, two sets of 15 standing calf raises and three sets of ten side squats for each leg.

Before starting any fitness regimen consult with your doctor to make sure you are healthy enough for activity.

Weight Loss Plan For Women: Avoiding The Myths

For most women, losing weight is all about attaining an enviable figure and curves in the right places. However, the obsession with being thin tends to push a lot of women in the wrong direction. Mistakenly believing that exercise gives unwanted muscles and that eating less food is the best way to shed pounds, women the world over end up starving themselves and shunning exercise. The consequences are often hazardous and counter-productive. There is a far more efficient way for women to lose weight and get the body they always desired.

To begin with, it is important to know that weight loss, whether for men or women, is a function of burning more calories than the amount consumed. This does not mean that one stops eating altogether. Rather, women should look for ways to speed up their metabolism, and improve the quality of their diet at the same time. Talking of the latter, it is best to start by replacing calorie-rich fast food, alcohol and high-sugar foods with wholesome and nutritious meals, and healthy snacks such as fruit. In all likelihood, the result of this will be a lot less calories consumed.

As far as burning excess calories goes, one of the best ways to do this is to adopt a balanced exercise program, under the guidance of a qualified trainer. This does not give women an over-muscular look. They simply do not have the testosterone for that. Rather, exercise results in the development of lean muscle mass, which not only makes one stronger, but also gives the entire body a more taut and attractive shape.

Ultimately, consult any successful weight loss plan for women, and there will be two common factors: a healthy and balanced diet and regular exercise.

Reasons For Reading A Womens Fitness Magazine

As women age, one of the most significant challenges is trying to stay in good shape. Due to changes in hormones and metabolism, keeping the excess weight off can be very challenging. Women that are looking to lose weight or stay in good shape should consider subscribing to a womens fitness magazine, which can provide a woman with a number of different benefits.

One benefit of reading a fitness magazine for women is that it can provide plenty of exercise tips and routines. One of the biggest challenges with working out is that women do not know the right way to exercise, how to follow the proper form, and how to avoid boredom in the gym or at home. The magazine will provide a woman with a wide range of exercise options and tips on how to follow proper form and stay motivated. Having access to all of this will help prevent boredom in the gym and keep someone motivated.

Another benefit of reading a fitness magazine on a regular basis is that it can also give tips for dieting. While exercising is very important, following a proper diet is more important when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight. All women could benefit by reading the magazine because it will give a variety of tips on how to follow a diet, how to prevent boredom from a diet, and how to avoid diet pitfalls. The fitness magazine will also provide new recipes each month that are both healthy and delicious.

The Value Of Women Working Out

Home workouts for women are routines that promote optimal health for this section of society. Women working out within the comfort of home are building roads to improved health, shape and confidence. The routines are convenient and do not require the purchase of costly equipment. Many people want to know the number of days that they should work out every week. It is important that they should figure out individualized plans that work best for them.

Exercising does not have to be a painful, stressful task. The task does not always involve getting sweaty, being uncomfortable and doing difficult tasks. Working out is a vital way to lose weight and remain in shape. Women of all ages and sizes should take part in it. No product or supplement should take the place of natural, effective fitness. A wide range of online resources provide plenty of workouts that are custom designed for women. Many of them participate in exercises that tone and flatten the abdominal area, so there are plenty of stomach exercises available.

Regular exercising should never be restricted to athletes and fitness gurus. Women working out are improving their mental and physical states for the long run. Since women tend to be more flexible than men, they actually have more exercise options available. They can participate in yoga, walking, swimming and biking. Even bodybuilding is available to women who are prepared for the work. They can create a brand-new workout or create their own that works for their bodies and schedules.