Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Weight Loss Plan For Women: Avoiding The Myths

For most women, losing weight is all about attaining an enviable figure and curves in the right places. However, the obsession with being thin tends to push a lot of women in the wrong direction. Mistakenly believing that exercise gives unwanted muscles and that eating less food is the best way to shed pounds, women the world over end up starving themselves and shunning exercise. The consequences are often hazardous and counter-productive. There is a far more efficient way for women to lose weight and get the body they always desired.

To begin with, it is important to know that weight loss, whether for men or women, is a function of burning more calories than the amount consumed. This does not mean that one stops eating altogether. Rather, women should look for ways to speed up their metabolism, and improve the quality of their diet at the same time. Talking of the latter, it is best to start by replacing calorie-rich fast food, alcohol and high-sugar foods with wholesome and nutritious meals, and healthy snacks such as fruit. In all likelihood, the result of this will be a lot less calories consumed.

As far as burning excess calories goes, one of the best ways to do this is to adopt a balanced exercise program, under the guidance of a qualified trainer. This does not give women an over-muscular look. They simply do not have the testosterone for that. Rather, exercise results in the development of lean muscle mass, which not only makes one stronger, but also gives the entire body a more taut and attractive shape.

Ultimately, consult any successful weight loss plan for women, and there will be two common factors: a healthy and balanced diet and regular exercise.

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