Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dumbbell Exercises For Women That Firm The Arms

Using a set of light dumbbells is an excellent way to improve the effectiveness of most upper body exercises. By adding a little resistance, you can get results faster than by doing the same exercises without any weights. Five or ten pounds is more than sufficient to perform dumbbell exercises for women.

The arms are the predominant area where dumbbell exercises can make the biggest difference in the muscle tone and appearance of a woman's body. While most women do not want to build huge biceps, they could stand to at least firm them up a little.

An easy to perform exercise that will build and firm the biceps is the alternate bicep curl. You can do this exercise in either the sitting or standing position. Grab a dumbbell in each hand and starting with your arms down by your sides, bring one dumbbell up toward your shoulder. Keep your arm in a straight position and bend at the elbow. Alternate left and right arms and get into a rhythm. It should only take you a minute or two to do a set of 10 repetitions. To increase the intensity of the workout, add more weight.

A problem with many women (and men too) is the saggy skin that develops on the underside of the arm. Your triceps can be firmed-up by taking one dumbbell, holding it between two hands and raisin it high above your head. Slowly bend your arms so the weight move toward your back. Rest a moment and then bring the weight back up to the starting position over your head. You will definitely feel your triceps being worked.

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