If you frequently feel back pain or struggle to sit up, it is due to a weak core, the center mass of muscles in your torso and back. Core exercises for women assist in growing the strength needed to lift heavy objects and increase blood flow to crucial areas. You do not need heavy dumbbells; there are many workouts that can be done with nothing more than a yoga mat.
Core strength is improved through conditioning, the act of pushing a muscle to its exhaustion limit. Never go further than what your body tells you is its limit, but do push yourself to greater lengths each day.
Abdominal muscles can be improved through curling exercises, similar to sit-ups except done with the legs braced against a wall. This tightens the muscles for greater performance. A bridging conditioning exercise involves lying flat with knees pulled in, using your hips to push up and then back down. You can do this with one leg at a time once you have mastered the initial push. When you are lying on your back, do an abdominal press by lifting both legs until your knees are over your hips; this can also be done one leg at a time.
Segmental rotations will help the back and sides, cutting down on "love handles." Lying on your back, rotate your hips and legs off the ground and around in a circle. Do not go further than is comfortable. Weigh down your lower body and do side dips by pushing your torso down on an incline and then pulling it back up.
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