Lay face down. Put your feet together and lift yourself off the floor using your hands. Make sure to keep you body in a straight line and tighten your bottom and abs. Alternatively, you can get on your knees and lift your upper body up into the air. An additional way to perform push-ups is to lean against a counter and place your hands on it and then push yourself up. This exercise can be done, starting out at five times a day, then gradually up to as many as can be endured.Weight Lifting
Using a pair of five pound weights, hold your arms out in front, with palms up, and bending your elbows, lift the weights towards your shoulders. Stick your arms straight out from your body and holding the weights with palms down, bring the weights towards your armpits. Hold your arms straight up towards the ceiling, palms in, and touch your shoulders.Chair Dips
Using a sturdy chair, propped against the wall with the seat facing out, turn towards it and put your hands on the edge up the seat and push up. After doing at least five of these to start out, turn around and, and with your back towards the chair, grab the set and slowly lower your self down.As these exercises are consistently done, results will begin to become apparent.
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